
Anger, Shame & Hope

A mish-mash of what goes on inside my #busybrain. Welcome to a space I’ve created to befriend my anger and shame. All in the hope of living a life of joy and pleasure.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Just Done

She’s not ready; she not convinced. I tell her I will wait for her, ready to keep reassuring her I’m ok. However long it takes. My love for her is strong.

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90 Days of Needs Roselle O’Brien 90 Days of Needs Roselle O’Brien

The whole damn family

She’s quite nice really - she’s always bringing something. She never comes empty handed.

But today she didn’t come in until this evening. It caught me off guard a little bit.

And what did she bring?

A conversation to replay. A 7 word conversation. Can you believe how many times you can replay a 7 word conversation?

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90 Days of Needs Roselle O’Brien 90 Days of Needs Roselle O’Brien

Day 6 - 90 Days of Needs

Now, the asking itself wasn’t that new - I have done that before. But more often than not it’s something that I don’t ask for. Or do find a sly way of asking about.

What was new was the flow between the thought of wanting to know what I should be targeting, and from this place, which I am not sure how to explain or describe simply actioned a request to meet this need.

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90 Days of Needs Roselle O’Brien 90 Days of Needs Roselle O’Brien

Day 5 of Rejection -> Needs

I was reflecting that I’m really good at relationships where there is nothing at stake - it’s what makes me good at customer service. Because for me there is nothing at stake. I can see you as a human and offer you deep caring and acknowledgment. And I will never ask anything of you.

But it doesn’t make for times when a deep relationship is called for.

Where there is real ongoing interaction - a dynamic.

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90 Days of Needs Roselle O’Brien 90 Days of Needs Roselle O’Brien

90 Days of Rejection

Four days ago I got this idea to put myself out there for 90 days. Put myself in the position to be rejected.

I hadn’t really figured it out. I didn’t really know what I was doing but I wanted to do 90 days of rejection.

I didn’t want or think I’d be rejected for 90 days. But I wanted to be in the position where it could happen.

Time to strengthen the overcoming rejection muscle.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Wait, has my alarm gone off?

Was it the lack of sleep?

Was it because I had a few drinks last night?

Was it because this was how they new how to wake me up so that I didn’t miss the sunrise this morning?

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Rejection Hits Me Hard

The voices in my head are busy today, they are saying “you really think people will want to read about the same topics over and over and over? Because you know you’re going to be back to this same issue many times right?” and “you’re not writing well today.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

They all came to the party.

Cue what should be a simple moving on with life. It was what it was and moving on.

But NO, they all decided to have a party.

I give the women the what the fuck look - no need to be so rude - I acknowledged I was in the wrong and no one one was hurt.

They walk off.

I give them the fingers.

Cue what still at this point could have been a simple moving on with life. It was what it was.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien


In this moment I choose to see that she just wants what’s best for me. She wants it to work out. She wants me to be joyful, full of pleasure, laughing. She wants me to be free of the pain. Free of the sense of aloneness.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

The Calm Before the Storm

Is this healing? Is this just a part of me that is in denial? A part that is faking it? Pretending to be.

In some ways it is like what they say healing is.

I guess the only way to know is to pressure test it: have something happen and see how I react. In that I should have an appropriate reaction.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Did you know?

Did you know there are people who, like, just live their live for them?

Like not in a selfish only about them way. But like, they are the centre of their world kinda way.

When they want something, they go get it. They go after it. They make it happen.

No, I’m not talking about the things that are the same as confidence. Many of the people I see who are living life for them say they don’t have the confidence to do things.

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Letter to Myself Roselle O’Brien Letter to Myself Roselle O’Brien

Dear Body,

You did not betray me. You did what you were designed to do.

It’s their disconnection with themselves that they are displacing on to you.

Your job is to feel. And feel you did.

You responded.

You enjoyed.

You felt the pleasure.

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We both grew up in families where no one asked directly for what they wanted or needed. We learned to use manipulation and indirectness to get others to give us what we wanted.
— How to Break Free of the Drama Triangle & Victim Consciousness