The whole damn family

Anger’s cousin, Anxiety showed up today.

Not when I expected.

I’d had a late night, had several things scheduled today, and am doing a cleanse. So I kinda figured she’d be around all today. That’s when I’m use to her turning up. She’s quite nice really - she’s always bringing something. She never comes empty handed.

But today she didn’t come in until this evening. It caught me off guard a little bit.

And what did she bring?

A conversation to replay. A 7 word conversation. Can you believe how many times you can replay a 7 word conversation?

Well I guess it’s less about those 7 words - she brings all the things I wish HAD been said or ideas of WHEN those same 7 words should have been said.

And what were those 7 words?

Me: Hi I”m Roselle

Them: I’m X, Y’s boyfriend.

X = legit I can’t even remember his name.

Y = the cafe where I am doing a few shift’s (so my manager) name.

And what does Miss Anxiety have to say about this?

  1. She wishes I had said or could somehow have made some context about how I was not introducing myself because I was hitting on him. She says to me “otherwise why would he say that he is Y’s boyfriend”.

  2. Which also leads her down the track of “this could have been avoided if you said hi earlier”. Which leads to a long conversation about why I didn’t? (Turns out it’s because Anxiety’s third cousin once removed, Just Focus, was in town). But she also gets a bit defensive and says to me “he also could have introduced himself”.)


Just Done


Day 6 - 90 Days of Needs