Day 6 - 90 Days of Needs

Bold. I’m getting bold and it’s only day 6 - where will 90 days take me.

Today at the gym with calm confidence I asked the instructor what my target metric was while I was on the assault bike.

Now, the asking itself wasn’t that new - I have done that before. But more often than not it’s something that I don’t ask for. Or do find a sly way of asking about.

What was new was the flow between the thought of wanting to know what I should be targeting, and from this place, which I am not sure how to explain or describe simply actioned a request to meet this need.


I’ll take more of this for sure.

What took a little more effort was asking a friend if I could stay at theirs when I’m up their way. But I reminded myself that it was a need and I could ask. Whatever the answer I could work the rest out from there.

But then, it seems I ran out of juice this evening. I have more asking to do. And I just can’t do it.

Tomorrow maybe?


The whole damn family


Day 5 of Rejection -> Needs