Day 5 of Rejection -> Needs

Hmm, I think I see where this is going.


I suspect a lot of this asking for my needs to be met is going to be within relationships.

Might explain why I’ve been single for so long / often. Why I don’t commit. And what’s been holding me back at work.

It lies in relationships.

I was reflecting that I’m really good at relationships where there is nothing at stake - it’s what makes me good at customer service. Because for me there is nothing at stake. I can see you as a human and offer you deep caring and acknowledgment. And I will never ask anything of you.

But it doesn’t make for times when a deep relationship is called for.

Where there is real ongoing interaction - a dynamic.

Today’s version of needs was in sharing with a friend who is coming to visit that while they are here there were some things I needed to make sure I did each day - my morning walk, going to the gym and a few other bits and pieces. That is me putting my needs out there. Asking for them to be respected. Not just in the way of detached respect - but to a friend who will not only know that I need that but who will make a conscious effort to make sure it happens. Who when planning for herself will consider how me doing what I need to do fits into that.


Day 6 - 90 Days of Needs


Who am I if I’m healed?