Dear Body,

Dear Body,

You did not betray me. You did what you were designed to do.

It’s their disconnection with themselves that they are displacing on to you.

Your job is to feel. And feel you did.

You responded.

You enjoyed.

You felt the pleasure.

The mind was also with you.

You worked in perfect unison.

The mind’s job is to be curious. And curious it was.

The mind also had needs, the need to be seen, and made the centre of attention. Of course, it was going to feel good when given that attention.

You did not betray me.

The mind did not betray me.

It is their disconnection, their fear, their unknowing that is what they are displacing on to you.

Even now writing this you have this deep sense of knowing. Of being ok. But you are fearful. Deeply fearful.

Not of what happened or what could happen. But of what they might say. You can see their fear. You can see their uncomfortableness. They don’t know what to do with it.

You know it’s possible for your truth and their truth to co-exist.

You have compassion for their inability to hold both truths.

They not him, make it a dangerous world.

Until they can hold both truths. They will not see you.

You will be contorted into their understanding of the world.

That is on them.

You did not betray me.

The mind did not betray me.

I’m sorry for being angry at you for all these years.

Please allow me to regain your trust.

I know it may take some time, but time we have. There is no rush.

You did not betray me.


Did you know?


Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles