Did you know?

Did you know there are people who, like, just live their life for them?

Like not in a selfish only about them way. But like, they are the centre of their world kinda way.

When they want something, they go get it. They go after it. They make it happen.

No, I’m not talking about the things that are the same as confidence. Many of the people I see who are living life for them say they don’t have the confidence to do things.

I’m talking about this general sense that life is for them.

The difference is needs and wants.

They have this belief/idea that life is about fulfilling their needs and wants.

They may question the content of their needs and wants sometimes, but they don’t question that they HAVE needs and wants.

They don’t seem to be looking outwards to others to understand what to want and need.

It’s different from those who need their wants and needs validated by others. Again, these people seem to have an inherent okness with having needs and wants.

I, on the other hand, am completely bemused and befuddled by how these people operate.

One day I might figure it out.


The Calm Before the Storm


Dear Body,