She loves rules. She loves to get it right.

There is nothing about blogging that says it has to be done any which way.

And yet there she is

  • You must post daily.

  • You must not post more that once per day.

  • You must post for at least 90 days.

  • You must make each post deeply emotive.

  • You must heal a part of yourself each time you blog.

  • You must have some posts drafted for the times when you’re not going to be in the mood to write that day.

  • You must keep on theme.

  • You must be clear to everyone else about what you mean - no jargon.

In this moment I choose to see that she just wants what’s best for me. She wants it to work out. She wants me to be joyful, full of pleasure, laughing. She wants me to be free of the pain. Free of the sense of aloneness. She too dreams of the day when the weight of the world doesn’t feel like it’s on my shoulders. She too has hopes for a future.

And today, the best I can do it see that in her. See that she wants the best for me.


They all came to the party.


The Calm Before the Storm