Day 9 & 10 -

I really have crafted a life that means I don’t ask for things.

I’ve created this safe, warm cocoon which leaves me not needing to go outwards. To not rely on others.

I can see this so clearly now.

I can’t yet see the change. Or what different looks like. But 1/9th of the way there this feels like a bit realisation to have had. Critical. Necessary to change.

I know, however, it would be so easy to sit with this knowing. Feel accomplished. Get a sense of having ‘done the work’ and bonus points for getting there in 10 days.

But this is just the beginning. The meaty work is going to be in applying this deeply.

To constructing a new life - a life where I am so intertwined with others.

I am the only person that can do this. This change rests with me.


Oh you’re a little fiery aren’t you?


All quiet on the home front.