
Anger, Shame & Hope

A mish-mash of what goes on inside my #busybrain. Welcome to a space I’ve created to befriend my anger and shame. All in the hope of living a life of joy and pleasure.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

I’m trying to write.

I’m trying to write.

Why does it not flow? Why do I keep getting stuck? Blank.

I know that I have this in me. I wouldn’t have got this far if I didn’t. But why can’t I access it now?

Whose concerned? Whose worried about what?

They can pull me out so well. Blank. Not even numb. Not even distracted. Just simply blank.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

She sits on the end of the couch. Just out of his reach.

She has to look like she’s not sulking. She has to look like she’s not afraid. She has to comfort him without words. Sooth his hurts.


She has to protect herself. Be absent enough to not be the centre of attention.

Be still enough to not draw attention. To fade into the backgroud.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

I sit on a precipice.

Like it’s a do or die moment.

When really, it needs loving kindness.

To go at my pace. The pace I set. The pace that changes as needed.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Before? After? Now?

Which is interesting because if I am not wanting to go back to who I was then then I am wanting to become some idealised version of me in the future.

There is no sense of now.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Wanting to change in IFS?

Wanting to change in IFS?

Where does wanting to change fit in IFS?

So far I am not satisfied with how IFS explains ‘every daylife’.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Where and how to begin?

To be in relation, the Self also needs to learnt to trust the parts.

To let them do their jobs.

I think pure IFS people would argue then that this is not the Self - but other parts we need to have learn to trust the Self.

But if the Self doesn’t have any agenda, it can’t be impacted then how can this really be an equal relationship?

It’s not.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

React with strength.

A part having a strong reaction is not always a sign of needing to be healed.

What? Roselle you’re going to upset a lot of people.

Oh well.

This needs to be said.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

A part of you… A part of you..

Now I get this was training. Training means we usually need to break down and over exaggerate aspects before we can get to nuance.

BUT if we are working with the wrong building blocks then we aren’t going to get the house we want.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Which part what?

Interesting I just had the urge to stop writing and put on lipstick and take selfies.

A part distracting me?

This part?

Ah I’ve lost connection.

That’s ok. That’s a lot. That’s more than I’ve had before.

There will be more.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Real talk? Real time?

I mean I feel better. I’ve been able to get things done and move through the day so much better.


I know that things haven’t been addressed. So they will come back again.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

No wonder I’m tired.

Relationships are about how you relate.

I don’t relate. Not in that intimate way. Not in that sense of bringing my whole self.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Two for one.

It’s like a test.

When they don’t get it right. She has the right to be angry. The right to feel let down. Justifiably upset that the world is a shitty place. Indignant at how shitty others are as humans.

It proves her right.

But I’m also not exactly sure what it’s right about.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

The pause. The hover.

I found myself hovering, pausing, bracing this morning.

Not the pausing and bracing from a place of desperate fear. Or shut down. Or overwhelm.

But from a sense of unknowing. Unfamiliarity.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Sticky Glue

It’s like sticky glue. Or that feeling of heavy sunscreen on your skin.

Or gum on the bottom of your shoe.

I was feeling so possible last night.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

A Month

I thought, or there was a voice, that told me I would have given up by now.

And it kinda seemed that way for the last week.

Still got my training wheels on.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Up, Down, Up, Down

Everything is itchy, sticky, annoying.

My head hurts. My shoulders hurt. I wonder if I’m sitting wrong and that is what is causing it.

It feels like I’ve got mosquitos landing on me. I don’t.

I need to blow my nose.

My arm is itchy.

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We both grew up in families where no one asked directly for what they wanted or needed. We learned to use manipulation and indirectness to get others to give us what we wanted.
— How to Break Free of the Drama Triangle & Victim Consciousness