Real talk? Real time?

When it’s not in real time.

Argh. So last night I had several things come up. I was on struggle street. But between a few calls with friends - which would have stopped me going further down the rabbit hole I didn’t write.

But it wasn’t enough to shift things for me.

And so I stayed up past 1 am watching Bones.

Then today I feel different. Something shifted.

Which is nice.

I mean I feel better. I’ve been able to get things done and move through the day so much better.


I know that things haven’t been addressed. So they will come back again.

And I guess not all things can be dealt with in real time. Some times life does just need to go on. Or things take over and you’re not able to pull yourself out on your own.

That’s ok.

And I’m a little bit sad because I feel they would have been really good things to face.


Day ?? - 90 Days of Needs


No wonder I’m tired.