React with strength.

A part having a strong reaction is not always a sign of needing to be healed.

What? Roselle you’re going to upset a lot of people.

Oh well.

This needs to be said.

Healthy secure parts can have strong reactions.

What we are looking for with parts is the ability to move on. The ability to flow, the ability to have other parts have their say.

Parts have information for us. And sometimes they need to get the point across in an intense way. This strong reaction IS healthy.

What’s not healthy is when we have another part that wants to shut that part down - because that indicates that the part that has come in does not trust the Self to manage the system.

What’s not healthy is when we have the part that reacts strongly and there is no room for anything else (ACT would call this Fusion). When it is all there is. When there is no Self. When the part is so blended that the Self can’t be in relation to the part. When it can’t heart what it has to say. When Self can’t tell the part more information that it may not yet have. This may not even be intense. It’s when the part is fixated.

The strength of a response is not necessarily an indicator that a part is not unburdened.


Where and how to begin?


A part of you… A part of you..