
Anger, Shame & Hope

A mish-mash of what goes on inside my #busybrain. Welcome to a space I’ve created to befriend my anger and shame. All in the hope of living a life of joy and pleasure.

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Blog, IFS, ACT Roselle O’Brien Blog, IFS, ACT Roselle O’Brien

But I’m playing by the rules.

I know the story. I see the pattern. Thanks, Dad. Not.

But knowing this is not enough. Knowing that I am living out this pattern from my childhood is not enough to change it.

ACT would say get distance from it in some way and then take valued action.

IFS would say heal the burden.

I think it’s a bit of both. I can heal the burden through getting some distance and taking valued action.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Default or nature?

As easy as I breath air I am angry.

There is the big anger.

The anger that makes me want to lash out.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

I’m just low grade angry

It’s just there.

Like the blood in my veins. Or the air in lungs.

The anger is just there.

Always there. Around.

Sometimes it’s more noticable. Many times you’d never notice it but there is a knowing that it can’t not be there.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

If it’s not the trauma what is it?

I hear their voices - you’re not as broken as you think you are Roselle.

Yet ironically this obsession with fixing myself, this focus on it, this being stuck, if it’s not the trauma that broke them then I am just wired wrong.

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Roselle O’Brien Roselle O’Brien

Fuck, it’s back.

And so, I end further and further away.

More and more disconnected.

Fredrick isn’t going away.

Somehow, we’re going to have to figure out how to work together.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

I’m still angry.

I’m still so angry.

Maybe I will be angry for my entire life. Maybe that’s just me.

Maybe I did think that keeping a blog would transform my anger so I wouldn’t feel it. Maybe I wasn’t being honest with myself.

But I see so many others and am so angry.

They get to be so average.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

You have to show up for it to show up

It all got too much so I hid.

And I needed this time to hide out.

To rest, recover and start to unpack a few things at time.

In my own pace.

I was able to uncover a lot. Make sense of a lot.

But those layers are done for now.

The next layers require me to go out there.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

I’m really angry today.

Anger wasn’t allowed for me growing up.

Unless it was about injustice.

Fight for justice. Fight for what is right.

But angry at you?

Angry at how things had gone?

Nope. None of that was allowed.

What did I have to be angry about?

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

Oh you’re a little fiery aren’t you?


One hour gone.

A hit of tiredness. A sense of overwhelm. A sense of tears. A busy brain. I want to explode. Have a tantrum almost.

Bed - no other option. Just go to bed. Turn off the alarm.

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Blog Roselle O’Brien Blog Roselle O’Brien

They all came to the party.

Cue what should be a simple moving on with life. It was what it was and moving on.

But NO, they all decided to have a party.

I give the women the what the fuck look - no need to be so rude - I acknowledged I was in the wrong and no one one was hurt.

They walk off.

I give them the fingers.

Cue what still at this point could have been a simple moving on with life. It was what it was.

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Roselle O’Brien Roselle O’Brien

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles

And then,

before you know it

It’s there.

The replaying of scenes. The re-imagining of conversations you wish you had had.

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Roselle O’Brien Roselle O’Brien

We Wish You A …Angry Day

The thing about this time of year is that it brings up something worse than memories. It brings up,




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We both grew up in families where no one asked directly for what they wanted or needed. We learned to use manipulation and indirectness to get others to give us what we wanted.
— How to Break Free of the Drama Triangle & Victim Consciousness