90 Days of Pleasure - Day 1

Here we go, again 😂

It wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t making this a commitment for a certain number of days. That I probably won’t finish either….

But anywho, that’s not the point.

It seems that anger and pleasure can’t really be present at the same time.

And while I’ve established I still want anger in my life.

It turns out I really don’t do pleasure.

So I want to cultivate more pleasure in my life.

I’ve been sitting on this idea for a while now. But pleasure feels SO HARD for me. I get this visceral, dry retch response to cultivating pleasure.

But this weekend a friend asked me what had delighted me that day - now delight I can do.

So maybe I’m not quite there for pleasure yet but I can start with delight. Little bits of delight in my day.

So here goes - 90 Days of exploring Pleasure. What it means, how I get it, what stops me cultivating it.

Starting with delight.


90 Days of Pleasure - Day 2


I want my angry back