90 Days of Pleasure - Day 2

See the thing about starting ‘challenges’ likes this is that I start to pay attention.

The moments that I would have ignored before - I look at them with different eyes.

This morning I was pondering as going about the mundane tasks of getting up, the routine of breakfast, asking myself,

How does pleasure fit in with all of this?

Do we add pleasure to the everyday? Or is it about putting blocks of pleasure in life?

How do I do either of those?

And then I went to yoga, I understand my privilege about being able to go to a mid-morning yoga class. In a beautiful location no less.

Sure it is nice. It nourishes the soul - but is that pleasure?

There is peace, calm, and serenity - but is there pleasure?

There are cats at this yoga location. They often come for cuddles while we are in downward dog.

Normally I just keep moving around them.

Today I stopped. I choose to have a few moments with this cat, patting it. Listening to it’s purr. Seeing it’s pure delight as I scratched in just the right spot.

Was that cat having a moment of pleasure?

Was me being present with the cat pleasure?

It brought me joy.

But I’m not sure it brought me pleasure.

Either way, I’m glad for this ‘challenge’ because without it I would not have stopped to have that moment of joy on my way to find more pleasure.


90 Days of Pleasure - Day 3


90 Days of Pleasure - Day 1