90 Days of Pleasure - Day 3


I avoided it yesterday. Too hard.

Then today it was like an annoying smell that you just can’t get rid of. Lingering around me.

I went to the dance social tonight.

Then it smacked me right in the face.

I don’t feel safe. Not because dance itself is unsafe.

But because it triggered something in me. Or may have been because I near had an anxiety attack before hand about something else.

The point being that - my body was activated. Fight/flight had taken off. You can’t have pleasure when you are in fight/flight.

So I think this is me giving myself grace that it’s ok for it to be hard to connect to pleasure.

Biologically it’s not a thing.

Wow, so maybe this journey to find pleasure is going to be about finding safety.


And this probably needs it’s own post but: Where does feminine / the divine feminine energy fit into this?


90 Days of Pleasure - Day 4


90 Days of Pleasure - Day 2