90 Days of Pleasure - Day 4

Although I’ve not been writing this has been on my mind.

I went hiking this weekend. It was a busy end to the week with a bbq with new friends (high anxiety), then an early start to help out at a charity golf event, then doing all the things very quickly to get sorted to go hiking.

Then hiking, but with a bit of a time pressure. And concern about my ankle.

And turn out less time than we expected to get back out the next day.

Doing. Going. Next Thing.

Where is there pleasure?

Can pleasure only be when you go REALLY slow?

Sure there was joy.




But was there pleasure?

I don’t think so.

And then I notice that I have so much to do today. This week.

Things are going to crack. Stuff ooze out the sides and it won’t be pretty.

Where in all of that do I find pleasure?

Create pleasure?


Follow the rules


90 Days of Pleasure - Day 3