It’s like a wall.

I say it’s like a wall. But then sometimes I say it’s like being in a body suit that has mittens and covers your face.


Wow someone, or several ones do not want me to go there today. I sat at my computer to write and realised I had started two new training cources I had signed up to. I had gotten up twice to eat. Twice to pee. Then decided I needed a gin. - which is when I knew it was really going off track as I haven’t had a drink since Christmas day - and then decided I needed to clean my glasses.


You don’t want to talk - and I respect that. I just want to say I can see you. I see you trying. I know you’re looking out for me. Come sit beside me and keep watch.


It’s like I want to be happy. To be there, to be a part of what is going on. But there seems to be a gap. Some kind of distance between me and the world.

I’m not quite there in conversations. I don’t volunteer to say anything. I’m thinking about what to say - busy searching deep within to figure out what kind of response to give - am I laughing? am I offering compassion?


I got up and poured the gin out. What a waste. But I felt the wave. It hit me hard and fast. That’s what it wanted. It wanted me to not be here. To be somewhere else. I was closing the gap. Making up the distance. I appreciate it trying. It’s so valid that when I have previously gone to these places that it can be a deep, dark place. A place of torture.

But things are different now - I offer it. Not perfect. But they are so different. For the better. It doesn’t have to trust me. But I ask it to give me a go at showing it how it’s different.

I think though that the gin has had enough of an impact. Too much to really come back to connect. It’s progress. Movement in the right direction.


“I can protect you from this”


Day 12 - 90 Days of Needs