Day 12 - 90 Days of Needs

Lesson #?? - Just because you’ve asked once doesn’t mean you won’t need to ask again.

I didn’t want to say it again. But I really needed to. I needed to share that it had come up again for me.

I didn’t need anything to change - I just needed my friend to see and hold my experience. To acknowledge it. To say I see you. To let me have these feelings. To let me share my internal world.

And I needed to let my friend know what I would likely (definitely) have these come up again.

I would be needing to share this several more times.

It seems so frustrating. Share the thing. The thing goes away. Thing comes back again. Share the thing again.

Do we just keep doing this on repeat?

Is that how this works?

Is life one big cycle or repetition?


It’s like a wall.


Day 11 - 90 Days of Needs