This is a familiar feeling

I feel it again. Maybe it never go away.

I hear the voice. The one that says give up. Throw it all away.

I don’t see myself as suicidal.

But where are the spaces we can talk about this without the fear that people will only reach out to see that I’m ok, not because they care but because they couldn’t live with themselves for not reaching out when the signs were there.

It’s about them.

We’ve just taught them how it can be about them.

What they can do to alleviate their own pain.

We’ve not taught them how to care.

How to share spaces with others.

They’re looking inwards.

Thinking they are looking outwards.

We’ve taught them to be complicit in a system which demands we keep things on the inside.

But Roselle, social media people are putting their thoughts out unfiltered all the time.

No they are putting out the parts of them that work in the world.

The parts of them that still fit.

Are still allowed.

All this does is reinforce the distance between us.

It’s one thing to read or hear something that resonates online.

It’s another to SIT with another human and hold space with them.

To allow them to process. To flow. To move thought the many parts of their mind.

That is what we need to be teaching.


It’s not arrogance, it’s disconnection


And, I’m angry again