The slow realisation of letting go.

They said it many times.

I wanted it to be different.

That I would need to let some things go.

I resisted so long.

But I am slowly coming to the realisation that I need to let go.

This doesn’t make them right, though.

I let one thing go. I let it go.

I think of emailing and saying ‘no I will catch up’.

I plan. I think of all the ways I can fit it in. It is aligned with my goals.

But really it’s not helping me get to my goals.

I am not getting to my goals because I am spread too thin.

I do need to focus.

I do need to narrow in.

Now see that is what I don’t like.

I don’t want to narrow.

I still want to be open and expansive.

But letting go.

Yes, that I can do.


People just leave you behind


Oh we’re not actually going to do that.