That spidey sense

That sense I have.

That I so often do not trust.

But then so often is right.

That chastices me when it turns out to be right.

That I didn’t listen to it.

Ok, so I hear you.

Now what? What do I do?

What’s next?

This is why I have ignored you. Becuase you can tell me something is up but not what to do. And that leaves me vulnerable.

Someone else: Yes, but that is because other parts have been shut down. Shut out. Shamed.

If they could do their jobs they would be active and engaged.

They act. It’s not the role of this part to do the doing.

This part is doing what it’s meant to do.

Let it be just that. The flag raiser.

We want to support other parts to do more when this part communicates that it notices some thing.

REFLECTION: We can be so quick to judge our parts - which is really just other parts.


I think I might POP


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