Not unless you’re NOT ready.

You can’t be ready.

You’ve never been allowed to be ready.

Things just happened.

Things thurst upon and into you when you weren’t ready.

But making a show that you were ready.

That was what was expected.

And so now, we need the same

We need to not be ready for it.

We need it to hurt on the way through because we think that life is like that.

That things just happen.

When we’re not ready.

That we can’t be ready.

That we can’t say wait.

That we can’t say stop.

Things have less meaning when we’re ready. When we want them. When we welcome them.

You weren’t ready for it.

You weren’t ready for any of it.

Developmentally. Emotionally.

And when you were, you simply didn’t want it.


Is my trauma traumatic enough?


I think I might POP