Maybe I want average

Maybe I want an average life.

Maybe I want boring.

Just good enough.

Where there is a goal, but a goal that doesn’t consume all of my life breath.

Goals that leave space for love.

For fun, joy, pleasure, for meaningless moments.

Because many of those meaningless moments, are indeed very meaningful.

Maybe it’s ok to wonder, what could have been. To wonder what may have happened if… if I had gone, if I had been more this, less that.

Maybe I don’t want put all the effort into social media.

Maybe I want to build a business that is sustainable.

Maybe it just needs to be enough.

A voice pops in and says 'haha yeah until that other part of you comes up who not only has absolutely zero interest in this but despises this idea’.

Maybe I want a life that writes blogs because it feels good to me. That I don’t need a way to monetize it.

Maybe I can just have a life where I am this mess in my mind, this chaos, this lack of structure, that I don’t figure it out.



I’m not crazy


Working backwards