Success is conforming.

Success by today’s standards isn’t healing.

However that is defined.

Success is about doing the dance.

Playing the part.

Being willing to do it the way that everyone else is doing.

Success isn’t about living in a way that is best for your system.

Success is about having your parts conform to the system.

Some of us choose to rebel against the system.

To bear the brunt of the others parts which are committed to the system.

To bear the exclusion and isolation, the disconnection, because living in alignment with our system is more important than living in alignment with the greater system.

Someone said recently that we are going into a time of polarisation.

It’s true. More than ever (I wait for people to come at me with facts to prove me wrong) we are in time of polarisation.

Extremity begets extremity.

Those who think they are fighting the good fight.

Who can’t see they ARE EXACTLY like those that they condem.

The mechanism is the same.

Yet they think because their cause is more noble, that they are on the ‘right’ side of history - that they are better.

But both sides are still playing the wrong game.


What happens if..


Remember when I use to be up by now?